Thursday, 30 October 2014

Enviro Kids Term 4 Week 3 2014

Kia Ora Whanau!

This week we have been harvesting our cauliflowers. We grew them in the gardens by the front door of our office and we have learned that these gardens are not very good for these plants.

We have thought a lot about this and our conclusions are:
- these gardens do not get enough sun
- these gardens do not get enough rain
- these gardens do not have enough room for large plants.

Luckily there were just enough of the cauliflowers for us to share and take home to our whanau.

Well done Enviro Kids, you are using your gardening skills and your thinking skills to make the plants grow so we can share them!
Happy gardening Everyone!

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Enviro Kids Term 4 week 2 2014

Kia Ora Whanau! What a great week for gardening!

We have really appreciated the sunshine and the rain this week. It has been great watching all our plants grow and flourish.

We spent quite a lot of our time with the strawberry patch this week. It needed a lot of weeding and fertilizing with worm tea and watering.

We also fed our worms and made sure that they have some paper with their fruit to help it all pass through their bodies.
Happy gardening Everyone!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

Enviro Kids Term 4 Week 1 2014

Kia Ora Everyone! Welcome back to Term 4 of 2014!

This week we have been watering our silerbeet and strawberry plants. We have watched how our cauliflowers and herbs have grown over the holidays.

Some people were even lucky enough to get 'caught wearing a school hat' and were given an ice block!

Our potatoes are looking really good from the outside!
Happy gardening everyone!